Tracing The History of Batik Motifs in Baduy Lomar's



This research aims to investigate the history of batik motifs applied to the head band, or "lomar," of the Baduy community and the batik tradition among the Sundanese people, particularly in the Banten region. A descriptive-qualitative method was used, with data collection through literature reviews, documentation, and interviews. The research findings indicate that the Sundanese people have a tradition of batik making, as documented in ancient Sundanese manuscripts. The study also found that batik has been circulating in Baduy since the 1960s, although customary rules prohibit products from outside their ancestral land. One of the pioneers in selling batik in Baduy, Ayah Nasirah, initiated the production by ordering batik from batik craftsmen in Karet, Jakarta. Due to business competition, a Baduy resident brought it to a Chinese businessman in Rangkasbitung and later mass-produced it in Pekalongan. Based on documentary studies, in the 1950s and 1960s, the motif of hariang or tapak kebo began to be applied to head bands worn by several Baduy individuals, although it was not as uniform as it is today. Until now, it is still unknown who initiated the production and the intellectual property rights to the motifs on the Baduy head bands, or lomar. In conclusion, the indigenous Baduy community does not produce batik. The batiks circulating and being applied to lomar head bands and cloth "lunas" are commissioned from batik producers in Pekalongan. In other words, Baduy is both the "brand name" and the "market" for batik products that are not produced in their customary territory. Nevertheless, the hariang and tapak kebo motifs, as well as other batik motifs that continue to emerge to this day, acknowledged or not, have become the identity of the Baduy indigenous community.

Keywords: History; Batik; Baduy; Banten

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Wawancara dengan Arsid (40 tahun), warga Baduy adal Kampung Gajeboh dilakukan pada 23 Desember 2022.

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